April 1, 2019

Life: When they say it is a new era, will you change anything? (on upcoming "Reiwa" era in Japan)

Current Emperor of Japan is retiring. The Prince is going to succeed the Emperor position on 5/1/2019. 

In Japanese constitution, Emperor is defined as the symbol of the nation. Although not supposed to get involved in politics, he is involved in various diplomatic roles and domestic tasks. As the head priest of Japanese Shintoism religion, he functions as a spiritual leader as well. Kind of like British royal family and the Pope combined.

Obviously, being the Emperor is demanding, taking mental and physical toll. At age 85 as of today, current Emperor might have hoped a well-prepared and peaceful transition. After some debate in parliament, his abdication request was approved by the government.

Japanese calendar names an era according to the Emperor's "ruling" period. Current Emperor's time has been called Heisei (平成). Year 2019 is Heisei 31.

In Japan, there are many articles and reflections trying to summarize 30 years of Heisei (1989-2019).

On 4/1/2019, the Japanese government announced the name of new era' "Reiwa (令和)".

The name "Reiwa" is based on Manyoshuu (万葉集), a Japanese classic poem anthology established in 8th century. 

Usually imperial era were named after Chinese classic literature. I don't see any issue here in the use of a Japanese classic anyways. The name sounds as good as all others.

Beginning of a new era is associated with hopes for improvement or change. Technically, other aspects of my life have not changed. But they say a new era is beginning.

Then here comes the title question; "When they say it is a new era, will you change anything?"

So called "new era" is a change in environment. Will I respond? Will I do anything about it?

I'll certainly do things for the better, as much as I can. The Red Queen in Through the looking glass spoke the truth.

How will I in the future summarize this upcoming "Reiwa" era, then? I certainly hope to say good things about yet-to-come Reiwa era.

Planning things from the endpoint/"rear-view" from the future is useful in many ways. I should  apply this '"rear-view" from the future' more often.

[Government official announcing "Reiwa" name]

We submitted a grant application today. A series of accidental delays pushed the submission to the last minute, but we made it thanks to a bunch of lucky events and helps offered.

I usually prefer a less dramatic situation in which I do not need to test my luck. That said, I am feeling pretty lucky now, thank Heavens and people helped. May the good karma return to you, nice helpers.