January 30, 2017

Science: Cancer Precision Prevention

I was giving a talk at the Stephenson Cancer Center symposium last Friday(1/27/2017) about recent approach in cancer preventive medicine, "Cancer Precision Prevention".

In fact, this approach is new, and there are some differences in the notions among the few groups of scientists who are pushing the approach forward. But such details in the industry don't matter to the public at this point, I guess. (Not for this blog purpose, anyway).

What counts is that we are working to change the way cancer preventive medicine is practiced. Hopefully in a short time.

If you are health-conscious and read health articles in the web, you may have read statements like "green tea is good","turmeric can prevent cancer", or "take aspirin".

Many cancers are preventable. In the lab animals, they worked to prevent cancers. In human meta-analysis, they worked, too.

But, do you really want to, or need to, take them? 

Like any medicinal reagents, they can even do harm if you take them unnecessarily and at a high dose. After all, the doctors prescribe Lipitor only to people with high cholesterol, and not to everybody, don't they?

Here is the truth. It has been difficult to determine who need cancer preventive medicine, and who don't. Dietary supplements are often taken by consumer's mood or by fear. Not by necessity.

Our new approach is aiming at giving an answer to the question; enable doctors to determine if you benefit from taking cancer preventive medicine, or if you have no need. Enable doctors to start counseling only to the people in need. 

We anticipate some changes in healthcare system with this administration and the GOP-led congress. It seems a possibility that many might lose insurance.

Imagine you are diagnosed as a cancer. Cancer therapy is expensive, and fear for financial ruin certainly adds to the burden.

In such a time, preventive medicine should play more role in medicine. Like Benjamin Franklin said, ''an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Preventive medicine should be practiced in clinic in a more effective manner with stronger scientific backing.

....these were a part of my talk. We are preparing for more comprehensive academic writing, too.

[One of the slides used in the talk]

January 19, 2017

Life: the "12-year cycle of luck" theory

While browsing books, I came across a book named "The four seasons theory".

In short, the book suggests that a person's "luck" fluctuates in 12 year cycle.

In 3 years of Winter, everything stays low. Winter is the season for caution and seeding for upcoming years. 

In next 3 years of Spring, the seeds start growing, and you'll start seeing results. Things get easier, and you may meet people more.

In the next 3 years of Summer, you'll see the plants bear fruits, and everything goes smooth and nice. 

And in the next 3 years of Autumn, the growth halts, you'll see signs of slowdown and difficulties compared with Summer, so you need to change your way of acting and be prepared for upcoming downtime (Winter). Think of "the ant and the grasshopper".

I was skeptical about the cycle at first. On the other hand, I spent much time playing Mahjong in my college years, and believe that luck and its fluctuation exist. 

So I did an exercise. I wrote down my life events, and organized them following the 12 year cycle. And I reconsidered on my skepticism.

According to the cycle and based on my birthday, I'd be on the 2nd year of Spring in 2017 (so they say). If I look at my work progress as a scientist (that is easy to track), I would be beginning to see results from preparations in earlier years. And that is right. 

In my personal life, I got divorced in 2013 (to be exact early 2014 in paperwork though), which was at the beginning of my predicted Winter. I did have some downtime and reduced productivity during 2013-2015.

Well, the empirical "theory" may not be completely baseless. After all, Chinese zodiac also bases on 12 year cycle. Maybe you can try it out, too. Write down your life events, and see if they fit in the 12-year cycle theory. You got nothing to lose in trying the exercise.

From what I learned from Mahjong; while you play Mahjong, you can tell the level of your luck at the time from various signs. Misjudging one's luck is a cause of disaster. If you push it believing you are on luck (but you are not), that is the time you lose badly, dealing into other player's big hand. 

Trying to win all the time do not work, either. There are times you can push forward and be greedy, and there are times you lay low and be careful. 

Unlike Poker, you cannot fold down in Mahjong. You stay playing the game even when luck is not on your side. Then you need to learn how to lay low and cope in the ongoing game, minimizing your loss.

In other words, knowing the state of your luck can be a major strength.

Anyhow, they say my luck is going to go up in upcoming 4-5 years. It is nice to hear.

[Mahjong tiles]

January 13, 2017

Dance: Tango and Buddhism ideas

A book among my book pile was "Practice not to respond:  Erasing all your concerns with super rational Buddhism ways of thinking", a Japanese book written by an early Buddhism practitioner Ryushun Kusanagi. 

The book was surprisingly good, explaining concepts of early Buddhism in simple terms.

Some sects of Christianity emphasize worshiping and church gathering. The author's version of Buddhism emphasizes practice and work on your thought process. The Buddhism practice is far more individualistic and personal than the group act.

Christianity accepts sin, but it teaches that Jesus got all of sins on people's behalf. In contrast, Buddhism also accepts tough aspects of life that are originated from people, but teaches to work on our thought process to see them as they are, and the work is your personal work. Much of your suffering comes from your own delusional thoughts that inflict pain in yourself, the author says. 

Your delusional thoughts define your response to inputs from the world. Thus, you need to manage your delusional thoughts and change or quiet down your response. This thinking is the reason for the book title.

The mind work can lead you to be free from your own delusional thoughts, and free from your suffering that your delusional thoughts cause. Therefore the mind work can open the door to a tranquil, suffering-free state of mind. 

That is a cool thought. It certainly is a prescription for your suffering that is highly specific to you.

Well, I don't intend to quote Buddhism concepts at length here. But there was another cool thought that is applicable to your Tango dancing.

Do following simple two-step process.

(1) Close your eyes and verbalize your thoughts that are in your brain.

You might be thinking, like, "Trump this, Congress that, and America should be xyz."

Buddhism calls the thoughts in your head while you close your eyes "delusional thoughts"(you may not like it at first).

(2) Open your eyes, and see what is in front of you.

I bet it is not Trump or Congress or America. Maybe it's a cup on the table. Maybe you are in a quiet room with a dog. Recognize where you really are. Recognize all your "concerns (=delusional thoughts)" only reside in your head. Doesn't matter what TV news says. 

In fact, media and internet only emphasize your delusional thoughts and multiply them. If you let your anger or fear happen as the media or internet tell you some delusional thoughts, you may need to shut them down to come back to where you really are.

This is a training method to come back to present. Not past, not future, which are your delusional thoughts, because they do not exist here and now, except in your head. 

Perhaps you understand the idea already, right? Tango dancing requires you to stay on present. All your "ugh I screwed up that ocho cortado" or "what's coming next?", are your delusional thoughts and signs of you not being present, here and now.

The lead has to plan ahead, so situation is different as a part of role differentiation in the dance. But he also has to be present to enjoy the Tango with her while the dance occurs.

Then, how can you just dance and stay at present?

You have to train your body until it just dances. Mind can be anywhere, but your body stays here. If you want to stay at present, you want to work on the body, which is your connection to present. But it is another story.

[The book cover]

January 5, 2017

Dance: The Tango as a business

2017 has began. I am looking forward to great things that are going to take place this year.

Following is a view on Tango as a business, that came up during a chat with a friend. He saw Tango as a business, like an MBA or a business consultant. The point of view was interesting (and actually, not unlike mine).

But if you see Tango with romanticized eyes as most learners do, the view may sound little blunt. 

Describing the services the business provides is the start point for analyzing the business.

A Tango instructor can provide various services, including,

(1) Set up and have Milongas, functioning as a party host.

(2) DJ at the milonga

(3) Teach beginners who are starting from scratch. class or private, or with other media

(4) Teach intermediates who are at various levels. class or private, or with other media

(5) Teach advanced dancers. class or private, or with other media

(6) Communicate beauty and attraction of Tango in some ways (vocal, writing, video, etc).

(7) Perform Tango and entertain audience (in person or with media).

Looking from the standpoints of customers/students/service recipients, their "needs and wants" vary, and they may have different "needs and wants" from conventional services by a Tango instructor

The business will go well if the service contents and the "needs and wants" match well, and the customers/students/service recipients pay for the service. If not, the business will wither.

Toughest part for his business is to get customers/students/service recipients who pay for his service, just like many other small businesses.


Right, that is blunt. But all business people have to think of their business model.

In my opinion, Tango business is not at the rapid growth phase, like Kizomba was or has been. In the case, strategies that work for the rapid growth phase are not going to work. 

Then what should he do?

The Professional has to think hard.

If you see your business like a Ramen noodle shop owner does, the world will look different.

A thought at the dawn of the Businessman-President era.

Don't get me wrong. People who even want to be a Tango teacher are lovely people with passion. They commonly had an extended time when they just practiced or danced Tango on their own out of their love for Tango. They did not usually plan on becoming a Tango dancer, but most of them just became one as a part of their journey.

But at one time in their journey, they would have to face what it means to teach Tango, or think seriously on what they are even selling to be a professional. That is the theme for today's entry.


Also, not all should act as professionals nor are qualified to do so. Being a good customer, functioning as a patron and supports the business, while enjoying the dance, is very important thing to do. 

After all, Tango is a dance with only 120 years of history, meaning it did not exist before that. During the 120 years, there was a time it almost went extinct, meaning that support is important for its survival and prosperity. Don't take Tango for granted. Support it.