April 14, 2019

Dance: Upcoming dance events for April 2019 in Oklahoma

There are two weekends remaining for April 2019. And there are two special dance events for each weekend in Oklahoma. 

On 4/20 Easter weekend, there will be West Coast Swing event, "Tulsa Spring Swing" in Tulsa (Marriott Southern Hills).

Event link:

It is a WSDC registry event, meaning that the event would attract local and regional competitors. It has been fun event. For your consideration.

On 4/27 weekend, there will be Argentine Tango workshops and milonga event (Weekend with Paloma and Maximilliano) in Oklahoma City (3Sixty Entertainment Powerhouse).

Event link:

Paloma and Max are Argentine Tango professionals, traveling and teaching AT at festivals. They are " 6 time finalists in the Tango Mundial of Buenos Aires (the biggest Tango competition in the World), including 2nd place in 2007. They have 21 years of experience and knowledge in Stage and Salón tango."

Their demonstration should speak louder than just words. Check it out.

[Maxi and Paloma, Portland 2018]
(disclaimer: I don't own these videos and all rights belong to them)