November 27, 2017

Book: "Unscripted" by MJ DeMarco

This book is written by an entrepreneur/author MJ DeMarco. He made his wealth in the IT industry, and is actually rich, owning Lamborghini (so he says). That qualifies him as an entrepreneur guru.

During Thanksgiving break, I spent some time to read this 400 page book. The time was well spent.

He has another book "Millionaire Fastlane" (2011). Previously I read the book and liked it (recommended). That was why I picked up his new book "Unscripted".

[Book cover]

He belongs to a school of business book writers, which is what I call the "super honest and cut the BS" school. I love the school.

We all have some form of interest and intent when we say or write something. You can play a game of "guess his/her interest and intent" when you see a piece of information, writing, or even a Facebook post. What's in it for him/her?

Sometimes it is intent to sell something. Other times, it is intent to influence. Or to manipulate. Or to impress. Or,....

I find the "game of guess" quite fun. But others may find it abrasive or crude, depending on the narration.

The no-BS, no euphemism, bottom line version of the world can look amazingly different. The author guide readers to see the "Script", interests and intents covered with lies by others. Once you read through the book and understand his version of reality, there is a worldview with clarity that should serve well for entrepreneurs. The narration you give matters, to you and to your actions that affect your future. 

I value books that challenge prevailing paradigm as well as my own old stiff worldview. This book was one of such books.

Another reason I liked the book is that I found similarities in the thought processes of entrepreneur and of scientist.

Both need to cut the BS. Delusions are enemy for both. Both have to endure the process. Both have to try many times, until entrepreneur gets market feedback or scientist gets positive result from the nature and from the funding agencies. "Does it work?" is a very meaningful question for both.

They say, contemporary science is becoming like business. I agree. Then, reading and learning entrepreneurship should serve scientists, too. That was my interest and intent for reading this book.

The book had much to offer. I can tell he is good at what he does. The book is fully recommended for entrepreneurs and, strangely, for scientists.

November 20, 2017

Life: Adios, Malibu, Hello, CTS (replaced my car)

I replaced my car on 11/15/2017. I've kept my car, Chevy Malibu 2002, for so long, exactly 14 years. Proper farewell note should be due.

In 2003, the car before the Malibu blew transmission in the middle of nowhere (Kansas-Oklahoma border area) and got me stranded. I was on my way to that year's OK/KS swing dance contest in Wichita, KS. Fortunately someone in the swing dance club picked me up on his way to the event. 

I rented a car for a week, and searched a car. There came the Malibu. It was used but still new.

The car had been my main ride since then. It went everywhere, with surprisingly low maintenance and few breakdowns.

Only with regular oil change (4-5k) and occasional tire or headlights bulb replacements, the car just kept going. There were acceptable repairs every now and then for water pump, engine gasket, flat tire, timing belt, misfire, A/C gas, etc. etc. Nothing to lose mind about. No major accident, either.

However, with the car gradually piling up small inconveniences and cosmetic issues, I decided to let it go on the anniversary. I am taking on new projects in my work. I feel like something new is due for my life.

You can connect memories for your own life time with someone you spent time with, where you lived, or something you owned. Homes, friends, girlfriends, pets, cars, ...they can be a personal reminder to define your past era. And this car will be marking my 2003-2017.

Many thanks for the long years of service.

[Chevy malibu 2002: 11/15/2003-11/15/2017: 233096 miles]

Since the long-lasting Chevy restored my trust on American car, I got a Cadillac CTS this time. It's supposed to be an upgrade. Let's see where the new ride takes me to.

November 12, 2017

Science: Team building time

I've started working on two grant proposals, due Feb 2018. 

I've kept myself busy, but this is a good kind of "busy". It is similar to painters getting busy to paint, or dancers to dance. Although some professional pain is involved, it is not really a painful pain.

The very first thing for grant writing is to decide the scope of the proposal and what to do. 

Once the scope and the aims are decided, I can write down "Specific Aims" section. Then, I determine what will be needed to achieve the aims.

When "what will be needed" is determined, next question is "who will be doing which part". Here comes the need for team building.

Past 2-3 weeks were the time for the team building. We do have core skills and expertise to complete a majority of the aims. But there are some that we better ask for help. True, we "can" do them in our lab. But with help from experts, getting the job done will be easier and the outcome will be better.

Many traditional Role Playing Games have taught us that we need a Hero, a Wizard, a Cleric and a Thief to eventually slay the Dragon and save the Princess. People with different skills are needed to achieve a goal. Time to use what we learned.

Perhaps, slicing and dicing the aims into smaller tasks and outsource as much parts as we can to outside experts and specialists to get them done efficiently; that may be the fitting style for conducting a science project in the 21st century. "Do everything in house" is obsolete, I'm afraid.

Anyway, we need to collaborate some parts of the project.

To set up collaborations, an important thing to consider is "what's in it for me and for them". Only mutually beneficial, win-win collaboration would work.

In this case, luckily we have a win-win project very interesting for both sides. Team building has been going smoothly.

I'll be working on the proposals for upcoming months, along with some other related work. It will be fun for me, although some will not get why I'm saying it will be fun.

["The Fellowship of the Ring"]
[At an early stage of an adventure, there is usually a "team building" phase. "Seven Samurai" follows the same pattern.]

November 8, 2017

Dance: OK/KS state championship 2017; How do you deal with uneven coupling?

On 11/3-5 weekend, there was the OK/KS state swing dance championship in Tulsa, OK.

The contest used to be an annual "friendly contest" among participating seven swing dance clubs in OK and KS states. Although there has been some reorganization and drop out of some clubs, there are still four clubs carrying out the contest this year.

I went there on 11/4 Saturday night for some social dance and for watching the contest.

While watching strictly swing contest, I was making mental notes for judging, just for fun.

There were several couples. After watching them all, there were a few couples I picked for winners, according to my judgement.

One couple was evenly matched. Both could move well. Skills and presentation were good.

Another couple was slightly uneven, with a stronger-looking follower.

Usually in West Coast Swing contest settings, female followers are stronger as dancers than the male leaders (at least in amateur-level and in the same level category). Possibly, the look is emphasized by a characteristics of WCS that she has to move more (that means, her motions and executions tend to affect the overall look of the dance more). At the same level, he could get away with a little more amateurish motions in many cases.

I'm not complaining or anything. It's just how the game of WCS is practiced. It actually is rare to find an evenly-matched, both attractive dancer-couple.   ...I digress. 

The second couple was inserting a few showy moves that highlights her clean execution in the dance. It was a good strategy. These moves were memorable. After all, it is a contest, and there is nothing wrong with preparing something to win for the contest. 

Apparently the judges collectively saw it in similar way. These two couples got the second and the first places.

In judging, clean and memorable moves tend to score higher. There are some room for a couple for planning and for making a strategy for a contest. With good planning, you can score higher than an overall stronger couple. Watching the plan and its execution is also a way to enjoy and appreciate contests.

..... above was one of my thoughts. I enjoyed social dancing and chatting with friends. It was a good time.

[OK/KS state swing dance championship, 11/4/2017]