A phrase used in dance auditions is, "Show us what you've got".
Then they cue the music and the auditioned starts dancing.
Do you realize something similar is going on on your social dance floor?
Let's say, you dance tango with someone, as a lead. You start dancing. Lead her a basic walk, back ocho, walk, cruzada (cross), then resolution.
By the time, she has shown what she's got, or a glimpse of it.
Another example. You dance West Coast Swing. Starting triple. Throw out. Anchor. Push step and side pass with spin.
By the time, you figure out how well she moves, and how knowledgeable in the dance.
Sure, you may not know how long (or short) she has been dancing. But she "shows" it.
The reverse is true, too. She says she has been "dancing" tango for 2 years. But if she does not have good posture and balance in standing, does not have good coordination in walking and ocho, and her molinette is all over, we do not see her as a tango dancer with 2 years' experience. We'd see her as a beginner.
That is harsh truth in social dance. No one gives a damn about your title. They see you here and now, and see what you've got. That's all.
But in a sense, it is "fair". And fairness can be tough.
Belonging to a community can lessen the bluntness. Because, the community "cares" about the members, and "corrects" the way they see you. Nepotism is a community thing.
But in a society, where people move free and have little idea about who you are, they will see what you've got. And "fair" competition can be tough. You have to have something in competition.
Why am I writing these awfully honest comments?
It is sad to meet and dance with someone who dances like a beginner after 2 years. I'd rather see a good dancer after years of dancing. How could this happen?
Please show me how good your posture and balance are, how nicely you embrace, how well you move, how knowledgeably add embellishments, and, how great the joy of dancing can be. Social dance can be great fun. Please show me you've got something great.
With all these hopes, here I write something a little harsh.