March 14, 2023

Dance: Is social Tango dancing equal to overcoming (or work with) technical limitations?

 To some extent, yes.

When I dance Tango socially with a new partner, it takes a song or two to run diagnostic work. After each lead and feedback, some mental notes are left.

 She can walk. But cannot take a bigger step. Or match the input with output.

 She can walk. But not in a coordinated manner. She would try to stick out her legs to the direction not meant to.

 She can walk. But changing direction is not done with a pivot.

 She can offer American Tango hold. But does not know Argentine Tango embrace.

 She can walk. But does not have pivot-and-walk. She does step-and-step instead. Ochos and giro are out.

 She can do ocho and giro. But with poor balance on her own. My lapis is going to be dragged off balance and would not stay on one axis. Have to be prepared to move to a balance point.

 She can move with fast giro. But her feet are not very quick. Barrida (sweep) can hit her foot hard, instead of sweeping.

 She does not cross. (.....) All moves from her cross-leg position are out.

 She does not do or know embellishments. Or use syncopated rhythm steps.

 She does not do off-axis moves. With every Volgada (leaning) lead, she takes a step.

 She does not listen to and dance with the music, or does move when silent. wth.

 She always try a gancho against momentum, or from awkward position. Might have learned it poorly to form a bad habit.

 She does not have upper-lower body dissociation. Over-rotating kind of moves need some extra, over-over-rotating preparation.

 Her axis is bent at her hips, and the posture looks awkward. May try straightening-up kind of hold and see if it helps.

    etc etc.

Each technical limitation is going to shape what we can do for the next a few songs. 

In social dance, we have what we have for the time. Fixing technical issues is for practica with someone who is open to fix, and not during a social dance. Don't teach or preach.

Then what happens when both are technically efficient?

It is a joyous meeting indeed. But it would not be "they live happily ever after" just yet.

They would not stick to each dancer's viewpoint, but would use audience viewpoint. The "sky view" or "birds eye view" of sort, coming from well-trained prediction.

They both bring goods to the table (floor). How they can create a good dance, not only for themselves but also look good to audience, would be their theme.

And that is the entrance to stage dance, or dance in communicable art form.

There is always a challenge, something new to strive for.