Today is 12/28/2022. I am recovering from a cold (flu?) that caused bronchitis.
Right with arctic air arrival on 12/21/2022, I felt something was off. In a couple of days, it turned out to be a "chest cold" with lots of coughing. No fever, but with headache, some body ache and yellow mucus.
Ran covid test twice. Both were negative.
So the title question, "Is coughing a good workout?"
[10 cough reps, 15 second break] x 60 sets/day.
They say coughing takes coordinated use of thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic muscles.
Certainly, the two-day workout left me exhausted.
What about the effects? Am I stronger now? .... maybe. It didn't kill me.
Usually a cold or flu runs its course in a week and gone. I am anticipating the same.
A half of my winter break is gone. Guess taking care of self is a critical function of a long break, and nursing self should count.