August 8, 2019

Life: Back to blog, summer projects 2019

I took a month off from this blog, to focus on my summer projects on professional, personal, and fun subjects.

One of the projects, a research project that should be completed with writing a review article (professional), is almost done. I sent the manuscript to an editor for the second time for finalization today. It should be submitted soon.

Some projects are like sowing seeds. I may not get to leap the results soon. For other projects, I want to see the results. Research and writing is the latter, something I want to see the outcome in a tangible form, like a manuscript or panels in Figure 5.

Making new eyeglasses is one of these projects (personal+fun). It only took little effort (visit optometrist and get current prescription) and some money (for ordering new glasses, obviously). Picking new ones, as well as learning a thing or two about eyeglasses, is fun. I am curious about how these hyped blue blocker lenses actually work.

This Summer is going fast. The first week of August and my birthday is over already. Time to organize my thoughts on progresses of these projects. But overall I am quite happy about what is going on.