May 2, 2018

Life: Tea time with "firefly" cup

I have been working on a research manuscript for revision. 

The review came back about two weeks ago. Although busy for his finals exams, my graduate research assistant produced sample sets for the analyses needed for the revision. (Much appreciated.) Data were acquired, and writing is ongoing.

While writing, I consume a lot of tea. I try all kind; Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Green, Oolong, White, Black, Puh-er, Matcha, Gyokuro, etc.

For some reason, recently I felt like updating my tea cups, and bought some.

One of those new purchase was this Chinese cup, made in Jingdezhen (景徳鎮), a city in China famous for production of porcelain. 

Somehow the visual with translucent windows was particularly appealing when I was searching for some cups. Maybe because it's getting warmer and I was seeking something for hotter season? 

Sometimes we do something first, then look for the reasons.

The style is called "Hotaru yaki" ("firefly") in Japan. Nice to have something different.

[with Jasmine tea]