April 10, 2018

Life: You'll lose it if you don't value it.

Principle #1: You'll lose it if you don't value it.

Principle #2: You focus on it and it will expand.

I read through three "Spiritual" books for a change in my reading. 

Curiously, the three books were preaching a similar concept; which basically says this world is something like the matrix, you attract what you focus and get whatever good or bad you desire.

Or if you are religious, you can quote "Ask and ye shall receive". Obviously, the concept has been around for years.

To some (great?) extent, I agree with the concept. Not only from fuzzy "spiritual" people's statements, but from the standpoint of market/capitalism, the concept seems correct, too. 

My trust on the concept is why I am picky about what I value and what I don't, and why I am choosy about opinions I listen or ignore.

At first I did not mean to mention ongoing Teachers' walkout in this state of Oklahoma. But this principle #1 applies there beautifully.

If you don't value teachers and their work, hence do not fund them, educational infrastructure will not be sustainable.

Lawmakers who do not value teachers and do not fund education will lose them from this state. 

It is that simple.

This walkout indicates that we are witnessing a breaking point of the education infrastructure in Oklahoma. You can determine whether the lawmakers and people value education in this state or not, shortly.