January 10, 2018

Science: Do what they say

I sent a draft for a grant proposal to our institutional editor on 1/4/18. She sent back edited versions yesterday.

There was a lot to do. It took all day to fix a half of them. I got to think hard to fix the rest. I am hoping that sleeping on it helps for the fixing.

When we get critical feedback on our work, our initial (maybe natural) reaction is not responding to the critical feedback, with a defensive attempt to justify ourselves or making excuses.

Don't be that way. Switch the viewpoint to theirs, and fix whatever they say. They did excellent job for providing constructive criticism, for which I should be thankful. It was my fault that some points did not get across, and that there are some cumbersome parts.

Note to self.

   [It is for technical writing. May not apply for your poem or fiction.]