I'm enjoying my Winter break. Working on projects, exercising, relaxing,...I am doing whatever I enjoy, intentionally taking my mind off from daily work. That is the idea of "vacation". Like a painter steps back from his painting and looks at it with a different perspective, such a time is needed.
As a part of my Winter break routine, I was writing up plans for 2018 and beyond. While doing so, I read my journals for past 10 years.
I was surprised by the fact that many of the resolutions, dreams, and wishes did come true.
I also noticed that there was a clear distinction between wishes that came true and that did not.
The difference was whether I wrote it down, whether I did something about it, and whether I believe it strong enough in taking actions.
In other words, if I write it down, and take actions with conviction, it comes true, although it may take longer time than originally anticipated.
"Thoughts and prayers" are good for clarifying your wishes at the initial stage. But you need actions with conviction to make them come true. Otherwise, "thoughts and prayers" are as good as "just saying".
In 2017 in my scientific research, we discovered something interesting with high disease relevance in the lab. One of my wishes for 2018 is to extend the research to the point that actual translational research begins while building a team of collaborators. In 3-5 years I want current concept to be tested in clinic. I've written my plans down in detail, and have started working on them. I anticipate the wishes to come true.
Work as a scientist is unique. The outcomes of medical research can impact millions if translated to clinic. It is exciting.
Note: As a scientist, I need to distinguish laws of nature and cultural rules/promises/wishes among humans. Here I am only talking about personal wishes within my own circle of influence, and not about bending laws of nature or single-handedly solving big issues like peace in middle east or fixing corruption in politics. Also, probably it is not a good idea to mess with someone else's free will or his/her pursuit of happiness, unless the will or pursuit is harmful to others.