[Dance] I dance Argentine Tango, West Coast Swing, Salsa and party Latin, Ballroom and others for over 20 years. I want this world to have more good dances. I authored a how-to book: "Beginning Argentine Tango (2012)". I’ll write something useful about dancing. [Science] I am a scientist with a PhD. I study genomic instability in the body, involved in cancer, aging, and Alzheimer's. I'll write about what I do. [Life] I’ll write about what I learned.
May 23, 2017
Science: our new review article on Arsenic and human cancer, and...
On 5/10/2017, our review article "Biological effects and epidemiological consequences of Arsenic exposure, and reagents that can ameliorate arsenic damage in vivo" came out. It is about Arsenic and human cancer, and emerging studies on reagents that can ameliorate Arsenic damage in animal models.
Link to the article (online, open access)
From local epidemiologists, we learned that main aquifer of central Oklahoma tends to carry high level of Arsenic. In the US, Northeast states, Nevada, a part of California and Florida, also harbor "hot spots". Many other countries including Taiwan, Bangladeshi, Chile, and Argentina, have arsenic-polluted areas. Millions of people use water that carries arsenic higher than the EPA/WHO standard.
There facts are not very well known to general public, much less what can be done to possibly reduce the biological damage and cancer risk. That was the reason we wrote the review.
Hint: [antioxidants]
In fact, translational medicine is a tricky field. There is a certain level of skepticism in translating results in animal models to humans. However, there are not many alternatives. We need to consider both limitations and biological applicability of the results, while being careful not to throw out baby with bathwater.
Tomorrow we'll have a brief meeting with an incoming summer student for a research project. Summer is coming.