April 26, 2017

Life: Diabetes and Alzheimer's disease; my mother's hospitalization

They say Diabetes is a risk factor of Alzheimer's disease. Some even say Alzheimer's disease is "type 3 diabetes".

Since exact cause of Alzheimer's disease is uncertain, from the standpoint of strict science, the second statement may be somewhat oversimplifying.

But the statement does have a point. A symptom of type 2 diabetes is peripheral neuronal damage and degeneration, leading to the ants-crawling skin sensation the patients often complain about. Extrapolating the neuron-damaging effects to central nervous system may not be too far off the target. In short, high blood sugar may be poisonous to neurons.

My mother has diabetes. She also was diagnosed as Alzheimer's disease in 2015, some months earlier than my father's passing. Remembering what she did (i.e., keeping short term memory) was getting more difficult for her. With help from her friends and healthcare system (e.g., regular visits by health workers, assigned care manager overseeing the health workers), she had been maintaining her autonomous life. She sounded just fine when I called her.

About a month ago, she caught a cold. The cold and disturbed meal cycle got her diabetes out of control. The blood sugar count reached 500 mg/dl, while normal range is 70-140. The doctor suggested her to stay in a hospital to get the diabetes under control.

My sister visited her 10 days ago. She reported that my mother had difficulty in remembering events in past 15 years, including my father's passing in 2015 and her life at her current apartment since 2008. Among the most "recent" memory was my father working at the company he was running, which should be earlier than 2002 when he had his first stroke. 

The talk with her was shocking to my sister. Reading sister's report, I was at a loss for words. 

Memory erosion is a signature symptom of Alzheimer's disease. Apparently, the symptom got much worse during the recent episode of diabetes leading to hospitalization.

Alzheimer's is a disease, and a disease tends to take its course with some predictability. We got to be prepared for what may come next. 
My sister is a competent businessperson and very efficient at managing paperwork and getting things done. Following doctor's advice, she has quickly made arrangements for my mother's moving to assisted living community after upcoming hospital discharge, for better meal and diabetes management and for activities that may be helpful to delay the disease progression. For now I'm going to send some money to make things easier on their side. Speaking of money, I should be thankful to the Japanese "socialized" medical system. Honestly, current American for-profit healthcare is horrendous.

If you are diabetic, you better get serious about its management. Although I am not diabetic, as a family member, I should better be watchful on myself.

For record keeping's sake: **********************************

4/20 Thu Oklahoma Dance Rush kickoff party

Oklahoma Dance Rush is a part of Country Western dance circuit. The event also has Ballroom competitions. This year (2017), there were three times more contest participants compared with previous year. Although it made organizers busy, it was a good way to be busy.

4/22 Sat  Roger Hoskins (1943-2017) Memorial at the OKC swing Dance Club

Roger passed away of cancer on 3/29. He was an auctioneer, voice actor for Cattleman's Steakhouse (one of the most famous restaurants in Oklahoma City), and a big supporter of the Swing Dance club. He was a friendly man, and we used to greet and chat at the dance parties. "Celebration for his life" event was held on 4/22 at the club.

There were many faces I had not seen for years in the event. That reminded me of the length of the years I spent in OKC, coming to the club.

4/22 Sat  Idance studio Salsa/Bachata/Kizomba party with salsa (+other) showcase

It was a nice Latin dance party with good attendance, including guests from Dallas.