March 19, 2015

Science/Life: About writing; "Nothing in, nothing out."

Draft for another manuscript is almost finished. After final edit, I am hoping to send it off to a journal during March. 

After that, I got to start working on a grant. Although I have been collecting pilot results, currently the ideas look still fuzzy and unfocused. I've got to focus on it during April.

When I write something, it's like going to a bathroom. I got to load my mind with input first. That "loading" is work and research. Then, after a while, something comes out.

Garbage in, garbage out. Nothing in, nothing out.

Paper/manuscript writing and grant writing are different. Scientific writing is different from fiction writing, essay, opinion writing or poetry in many ways. 

For primary scientific writing, "Inform" is usually the main content, then some "persuade". Data and results should do much of the talking in experimental science. "Entertain" is not always easy to find in primary scientific writing. For medical science, curatorial work is mostly for review articles. That is a difference from some social science and history.

Good news for me is that I don't have to be good at writing in all the different styles of writing. I don't have to conform myself to a stereotype of writers (like this one), either. I found this meme pretty funny, though.

[Disclaimer. This meme is not mine. Someone else made it and it was floating in the internet.]