February 1, 2013

Life/Dance: Grant writing, KDP select

A few days ago I dropped a post to Facebook, "With all stages combined, the relative 5-year survival rate of liver cancer is about 15%, an unacceptably low rate. How can I help? ...I got an idea and am writing a grant (due 2/15). Getting myself busy."

Sure, as I said, I am busy. But it is fun and satisfying to see the grant taking shape.

Of course, there was a lot more background work in order to generate previous publications and preliminary results. The writing is not just an idea or a whim, but a result of working for a long time. It's a part of long process, not an event. I will be busier for a while.

Now a different topic. Kindle select enrollment.

I wonder how many people use Amazon Kindle AND sign up for Prime membership with $79/year AND use Kindle Owners' lending library?

Apparently, Kindle Owners' lending library is another incentive program by Amazon for their Kindle users who are also Prime members. Amazon allows Kindle owners/Prime members to borrow eligible eBooks (eBooks that are enrolled with the Kindle select program) once a month for free. Basically, they can read any eligible (Kindle select-enrolled) ebook for free, within a certain restrictions.

I don't have the Prime membership, so I cannot speak about the borrowing from experience.

I am an author of "Beginning Argentine Tango", available in paperback and as an eBook. So I have something to think about from a different perspective, the author's side.

I had not enrolled my book with the Kindle Owners' lending library. I was not sure how it worked, and I am not necessarily the type to just dive in to something. "Never invest in a business you can't understand", said Warren Buffet.

I gave the question a thought; "should I enroll my book to Kindle select or not?"
I could come up with reasons for both sides. "No" side and "Yes" side.

When there is an argument and both sides have apparent supports or appeals, whenever applicable I do what scientists do. Experiment. I'll quietly enroll my eBook to Kindle select, and see what happens.

In the end, the following "Yes" reasoning pushed me to do it:

"I wrote the book with a somewhat Evangelical-like passion and desire for more people to dance Argentine Tango. If the program enrollment helps the book reach more people, and more people dance Tango as a result, it may be the right thing to do." 

 Let's see how it turns out.