February 27, 2023

Life: 195lb to 186 lb (-9lb) in 7 weeks. It's working

 After fatty liver diagnosis on last November, I decided to lose weight. 

Around the time my weight was 195-200lb. For 5'10, it does not look too bad and I can just blend in all Americans around. But my genetically Japanese body does not like even slight overloading, it seems.

Seven weeks ago I introduced five changes, in addition to my regular lifestyle.

(a) Intermittent feeding. Eat between 12noon-10PM.

   14 hours is the magic number for short fasting, when the body start sensing hunger and switching mode of metabolism. In other words, don't eat until feeling hungry.

(b) Skip regular breakfast in the morning. Drink tea instead.

   Above intermittent fasting is done with this. This should effectively cut calorie intake by 20% as well.

(c) Watch food or drink that cause sugar spike.

   No soft drink or large portion of rice, pasta, potato or bread. Doable.

(d) Stop buying ice cream and cheese at grocery.

   It was easy during winter. I can live without those vice food apparently.

(e) Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for obesity, Fang Feng Tong Sheng Pian (防風通聖片)

   TCM is fussy about body type and constitution (証) the medicine is applied to. Fang Feng Tong Sheng Pian is used for obesity with "solid and robust body with belly fat" type. I thought I may fit.  

   In the US, the drug is sold as dietary supplement, after removing a few "FDA-unapproved" herbal ingredients from the original formula (e.g., Ma Huang/Ephedra). Animal studies suggest the drug work in two ways; activating adipose cells to increase metabolism, and reducing fat absorption in digestive tract.

   For starters, I only take the pills once a day in the morning, with tea. Suggested amount is two or three doses/day.

Scientifically correct way of experimenting is (i) to introduce one change and keep other conditions equal, (ii) have controls, (iii) have replicates, and then (iv) have defined metrics. 

In practice for my N=1 experiment, the "scientifically correct" procedures are impossible. I introduced all changes together and see if it is working or not. 

As weight loss is working, I'll keep it going, until (I) I reach 180lb/10% weight loss, or (II) I use up third bottle of Fang Feng Tong Sheng Pian (about 12 weeks supply), whichever comes first. 

It is easier to add exercise and lose weight ("sweat it out") in Spring and Summer. I'll replace the TCM with added exercise.

I am happy to say that I do feel a lot easier to dance or to run/jog now, compared with last November. 9lb of fat is a lot. I've started feeling it. Nice.

I've got to use this body until I die. Better take good care of it.

[Reference: 5lb of fat. My cat is about 10lb]

February 15, 2023

Dance: "Fat suits" is among the easiest things to do for dancers' appearance

 This past Sunday was Super Bowl Sunday in the US (2/12/2023).

I watched the Half Time Show. Every year, they employ hitmaker(s) with long career and it is solid entertainment. This year, it was by Rihanna.

One noticeable visual was, everyone was wearing "fat suits" (ehm, "oversized/baggy" suits or "bubble/puffer" suits) in red (Rihanna herself) or white (all other dancers).

 The suits might have been for covering up and not to draw attention to the body line, I thought. Indeed, it turned out later, that the lead Rihanna was pregnant. Hers was maternity suits and everyone else was wearing the suits to match hers.

And it is perfectly legit in show business. You can choose costume that only show what you'd like to show.

There are layers of things dancers can work on for their appearance.

In the order of difficulty and efforts, they would be;

  Level 0.  Filming and complimentary editing

  Level 1.  Dress, Costume, Accessory

  Level 2.  Hairdo. Makeup.

  Level 3.  Body management (diet, gym work)

  Level 4.  Posture work. Dance motion cleanup (drills), Flexibility training

  Level 5.  Use of good Choreography

  Level 6.  Work on Stage Presence

Yes. Managing costume is level 1. Not difficult. Smart move, producers and performers.

[2023 Super Bowl half time show]