May 23, 2016

Science: Grant writing 2016 May-June

I have been concentrating on grant preparation and writing for past three weeks, in addition to a review article on liver cancer genes and revision of a research manuscript.

There is a skill set called grantmanship. As overall funding rate for medical science through the National Institute of Health (NIH) has come down to 18% (or even lower, 8-9% in some fields including cancer-related ones from NCI), skills to write a successful grant proposal are more important than ever.

To get all pieces in position and to propose a solid and feasible proposal, it takes some time. There is about another month until the deadline. I'll be working on the grant proposal for a while, in addition to the research manuscript revision. After all, research fund for 5 years, almost 1.9 million taxpayers' dollars, is at stake. Better be serious on this one.

For record-keeping's sake:
5/8 (Sun) Albaloo Modern Persian full course dinner
5/14 (Sat) idance studio showcase
5/18 (Wed) sent out a review manuscript
5/19 (Thu)  Home internet repair

May 8, 2016

Dance: Alternative Argentine Tango songs from Japan?

After all, we cancelled 5/14 Tango performance (she is the director of the showcase and obviously there are too many things on her plate. FYI showcase is still on).

Instead of dress rehearsal on Saturday, I got an afternoon time. So I went to Tulsa for Alternative music milonga and dinner.

There, the host asked me something interesting; "do you have any Japanese song that we can use for Alternative music milonga?"

Hmm, I never thought of that.

After a nice afternoon milinga and awesome dinner, I did some research.

In very short,...

Most Japanese songs with "Tango" in title have American Tango beats with them. In some cases it's not tango at all. They are different from (and probably hard to dance with) Agentine Tango.

Black cat tango (Kuroneko no Tango)

There are several Tango songs incorporating Japanese tunes by Horacio Salgan. He and his band visited Japan, and these songs are the byproduct. But I am not sure they qualify as "Alternative songs".

I search for something Japanese from different angles, searching for movies and animes, and found that some Miyazaki/Ghibli movies have decent Waltz.

Stroll through the sky (Howl's moving castle).

Always with me (Spirited away)

Chihiro's Waltz (Spirited away)

(There may be more danceable versions out there somewhere, though.)

I am still looking for ideas and songs. If you know some Japanese (or related to Japan) songs that can be used in Alternative music milonga, please let me know.

May 5, 2016

Dance: Listening and analyzing a song for dance


Today the journal office sent back a manuscript we submitted several weeks earlier and was in review. Their response? "Major revision" (which is quite normal). 

Overall the comments were something we can address, perhaps except for that $5000 experiment. Some experiments are just cost-prohibitive. 

We spent a few hours to plan the response, and started assigning experiments to revise the manuscript. They gave us 6 weeks for revision, and it is not a very long time.

Although my work is getting busy with the manuscript revision and grant writing (and some other things), I am going to dance a Tango in a showcase on 5/14. It was decided yesterday, kind of last minute, and today we were picking a song and doing some dancing to get to know each other.

She wanted to dance a nuevo Tango. So we picked a nuevo song from Otros Aires.

Now I am listening to the song and imagining how we would dance. The song begins with classic Tango-sounding intro for 35 seconds, then perky rhythm kicks in. 20 seconds later, a bandneon starts playing swiftly-moving energetic tune.The tune repeats twice, then bandneons start playing more dragging chord accompanied by electronic beats. A variation of the swift tune returns, and.......

Just writing down some notes like this helps to know the structure of the song better.

Some dancers practice based on moves and figures. Others dance to counts. But I need music to dance.

Dancers are a part of the band and musicians. In the Professional stage show, the musical score even includes dancers' part (!).

How are we going to dance the song? Are we going to add a storytelling? What kind of choreo would translate what we pick up from the lively song?

To choreograph a dance is a big part of fun that dancers enjoy. In social Tango we choreograph (on the spot) too. But for a showcase, we should do better.