Overall, 2016 was a good year.
I got two original research papers and two review articles published.
A new research initiative has been taken. Some research "seeds" were planted and growing.
Thanks to exercising and dieting, I lost 15 lbs in May-September. That helped. Throughout the year, I stayed in good health. My cat stayed in good health, too.
I traveled to Japan, meeting my family.
A few new projects were initiated in 2016, including book writing and participating in a Tango formation choreography. I should see the results in 2017.
I've written up most of the plans for 2017.
Since "Trump risk" remains high and uncertainty will rise, I want to make more detailed plans than usual (plans A, B, and C) for four key life subjects. That makes the planning more complicated, but it should be worth doing (and actually is fun). I'll finish the planning during the Winter break.
Things are usually easier if we start visualizing things from the goal, list the tasks, and just do them in a timely manner. The planning is for that. Don't just hope. Do things necessary and make the goals real.
In January 2017, I'll be working on research plans, writing grants, and preparing for a symposium talk. We got to send out the review manuscript, too. The month should go quickly.
[12/16/2016 "Secret Santa" gift exchange in the lab]