Science: Grant writing 2016 May-June
I have been concentrating on grant preparation and writing for past three weeks, in addition to a review article on liver cancer genes and revision of a research manuscript.
There is a skill set called grantmanship. As overall funding rate for medical science through the National Institute of Health (NIH) has come down to 18% (or even lower, 8-9% in some fields including cancer-related ones from NCI), skills to write a successful grant proposal are more important than ever.
To get all pieces in position and to propose a solid and feasible proposal, it takes some time. There is about another month until the deadline. I'll be working on the grant proposal for a while, in addition to the research manuscript revision. After all, research fund for 5 years, almost 1.9 million taxpayers' dollars, is at stake. Better be serious on this one.
For record-keeping's sake:
5/8 (Sun) Albaloo Modern Persian full course dinner
5/14 (Sat) idance studio showcase
5/18 (Wed) sent out a review manuscript
5/19 (Thu) Home internet repair