April 19, 2016

Science/Life: Mid April 2016

My student went through a training course for the lab work, and finally began to produce experimental results. That is very good.

Thanks to him doing lab work, I can focus on research in the office. This month I have been working on studying liver cancer genomics, and comparing the cancer profile with our lab results. Some interesting points are coming out. 

When I focus on one thing, the other things can be getting less attention. And usually to complete something, I need to focus, rather than juggling many things. Only completed thing counts.

Current intellectual focus should be the work on genomics. Complete it in this month, then I can move on.

Still, too much focus on something can get me off balance, and everyone needs a hobby or recreational time. This year I am not going to AACR annual meeting (4/16/2016-4/20/2016 in New Orleans). So I went to dance parties in the evenings over the weekend.

4/14 (Thu). Went to Oklahoma Dance Rush kickoff party (WCS/country).
4/15 (Fri).  Went to Stillwater for a Tango then Latin (Salsa, Bachata and Kizomba) party.
4/16 (Sat). Got tired and slept well.
4/17 (Sun). Went to Tulsa for a friend's Birthday milonga.

I guess I was dancing reasonably frequently.

Upcoming May should be the time to list up all the projects and prioritize. I am looking forward to initiate something new.
