November 17, 2015

Life: Choose your dreams carefully

I came across this photo in my Facebook feed.

"It's a very good advice", I thought.

When we think about our "dreams", the "dreams" can be many different things. You can dream anything. But there are good dreams and not-so-good dreams from someone else's standpoint. Value of a dream is relational. 

For example, if the dream is only about you and is self-serving one (like driving a good car, wear nice clothes, travel and have fun, or be rich), no one else is going to help you to achieve it. The dream is not a good dream, because achieving it is not useful to others. If you have to beg for charity, you are not in good position to achieve anything.

If the dream is about solving a problem of others (without harming any people),  you have a better chance to get help from others to achieve it.

If your dream involves changing others (that includes harming or by force), be extra careful. When you use the word "for greater good", you assume small harm. But be careful. 

You need to choose your dream with two filters; usefulness to others, and no harm done to any people. 

Dreams by idealistic radicals are angry and violent with intention to change others. They are self-serving, and they harm others. Don't choose such dreams. 

Choose your dreams that solve problems and serve others without harm. Create, not destroy. That's the best.