"Catherine and Pancho are traveling Tangueros, on their way from Canada, Montreal to Buenos Aires, making stops in various cities along the way. They are working on a documentary, a diary that will include short films and interviews with Tango dancers. Pancho and Catherine would like to interview Tango dancers and offering to put on a workshop.
Let's support Catherine and Pancho. In our constant effort to spread the word about Tango, this is an opportunity to do our part."
So I went.
They were nice. Last three months, they have been traveling major cities in East coast, then Texas, visiting festivals and milongas and offering workshops. They were stopping by Oklahoma City on their way to Denver. They are supposed to get to Buenos Aires eventually. Sounds like interesting life on the road.
The workshop was for three hours about variations in basic walking timing and its application to musical interpretation. "Basics and application" is a good combination useful to various levels of dancers. Smart choice for the attending dancers in OKC in different levels. Presentation was very good. I'd recommend their workshop.
[As my blog policy to be fair to instructors, I skip class details in this blog. If you are interested, try one of their workshops.]
In my experience, there are bodies rich in dance, and there are bodies that are empty, lacking knowledge, coordination and response for the dance. It is showing a sum of the body's experience, training and knowledge. In fact, in training of physical arts, there is a point when your body starts "just doing it" without much input from thinking brain. The muscle memory and its quality are not difficult to feel in partner dance.
One of interesting things during the workshop was a practice dance with Pancho for a song. It was fresh, because I usually don't dance with guys. Sadly, not many willing guys are around, although for Tango lead-follow switch and same gender dancing can be great methods for improvement. His body showed good, solid dance consistent with his 12 years of Tango. It was impressive.
I hope their travel is going to be a fruitful one. Have fun and good luck.
[Photo: version 1]
[Photo: version 2]