In Thanksgiving weekend, I attended Fandango de Tango event in Dallas. It was a 5-day event, but I only attended two milongas and a Tango show. It was a fun event. I saw friends whom I hadn't seen for a while, and met new friends including from New Orleans and San Diego.
This kind of dance event usually has three main ingredients; class (teaching-learning), show (demonstrations by professionals/visual entertainment) and milonga (social dance party/participatory entertainment). These three ingredients are different sports.
Milonga is a social dance party, and many people show up. In the setting, it can be quite evident that who is "good" at the dance, and who is at the time "not so good", with regrettable lack of better words.
I do not subscribe to a school of thought that claims everyone is good. I do see the difference between the two and many shades in between.
I perceive a good dancer as a dancer who moves well, knowledgeable in the dance, and who carries the air of sophistication, poise and appeal.
In addition, a good social dancer should have the sense of communication, and willingness to achieve the best dance out of the occasion. These are particularly important for Tango. Good partner dance is a well-connected and well-enjoyed dance.
So there are two aspects you can work on for improvement; solo-individual aspect, and partner-couple aspect. If you are good as a solo dancer, you may have broader options and possibilities. But if you forget the partnering aspect, you may end up with a type of poor show dancers who cannot lead/follow. In Tango, it is common that great-looking athletic guy/gal lead/follow so poorly and felt so heavy.
Not all performer-level professionals are willing to join social dance (many are, of course). Their dance is tuned to "good" dances, and they are used to the good lead/follow by other good dancers who know what they are doing. After many "good" dancing, they became like a precision instrument. Rough handling or wrong treatments by the "not so good" may be unbearable, especially for a good follower.
Besides, if they are professionals, their body and their dance is the main tool for their living, by which they eat and pay the bills. They wouldn't want the tool to be messed with. Being socially nice is one thing. But when the main tool for their living is at stake, it could be another story. I understand it if they want to exercise some discretion.
These are some of my random thoughts during the event.